Monday, December 21, 2020

The Best Times to Trade Binary Options

 The binary options market is one where traders make money based on predicting direction, and volatility is what gives price action direction in the market.

The Best Times to Trade Binary Options


Trading works best when the market is bubbling with activity from traders all over the world. When there is good trader activity in the market, it generates the liquidity and volatility needed for the underlying asset to get to its target before the option expires.

Even though assets like currencies and commodities are supposed to be 24-hour markets, there are only certain times of the day when the market activity is at its maximum. This is usually when we have an overlap of the trading zones of the world.

Because not all assets have the same trading hours, we will discuss the various classes of assets as separate entities, taking into account their own peculiar trading hours.

So, when should one consider trading and why?


The best time to trade is when the market is the most active and therefore has the biggest volume of trades. Actively traded markets will create a good chance to catch a good trading opportunity and make profits.While calm slow markets would literally waste your time & efforts — turn off your computer and don't even bother!

Timing for Currencies

The forex market is most active when there is an overlap of the London/Asian and London/New York time zones. The diagram below gives a perfect illustration of this.

You also need to know that the local currencies of the active time zones will have increased volatility over others. For instance, the Australian Dollar will be more active during the Asian/London time zone overlap than the London/New York time zone overlap.

  The Best Times to Trade Binary Options


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